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The BRIGHTONIAN is distributed to 12,000 homes and venues in Fiveways, Hanover, Queens Park, Kemptown and North Laine

The HOVARIAN is distributed to 12,000 homes and venues in West Hove, Poets Corner and Hove Park as well as sections of Central Hove.

The magazines are A5 and have editorial sections dedicated to each area of the city where they are distributed. They also have a section for citywide articles. The percentage of editorial is a lot higher than many local magazines at approximately 50% editorial to 50% advertising. This ratio means that residents love getting their monthly magazine landing on their doormat as it is full of relevant news and local information.

We have been publishing and distributing local magazines in Brighton and Hove and Sussex for approaching 20 years so we do know a little bit about what works and what doesn’t and we are here to help you make the most of your advertising budget. We have made some videos that answer most of the common questions that come up and you can watch these videos here but please do let us know if you have any further questions.

Look at what our customers say on our Google listing here.

You can see the rates for advertising here.

Our purpose is to connect up local people with other local people, businesses and activities thus creating an improved community spirit and a more prosperous business environment.

Talk to us on 01273 282121

Since 2004 we have…

Number of local communities helped (each community has its own unique publication)
Number of free editorial pages given to community groups and activities
Number of local businesses promoted in Brighton and Hove (in one or more areas)
Total number of adverts run
Direct hits on local doormats (Total number of magazines delivered)

Our Magazines

Please click on the front cover images to scroll through uploaded versions of the magazines…

The Brightonian

The Brightonian

The Hovarian

The Hovarian

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